Playsafe products

For cleaning and degreasing of Erkoflex before combination.

Permanently kneadable, reusable, transparent blocking out material. Resists thermoforming temperature.

To form and shine Erkoflex.

Set for the fabrication of three-layered soft/hard/soft protection splints according to customer specifications.

Set for the fabrication of two-layered soft protection splints according to customer specifications.

Set for the fabrication of three-layered soft/hard/soft protection splints according to customer specifications.

Set for the fabrication of two-layered soft protection splints according to customer specifications.

Up to 14 logos will be printed on an Erkoflex foil in the size of 125 x 125 mm. A high-quality UV printing technique allows Erkodent to print preferred designs in intense colours directly on Erkoflex (thickness 0.7 mm).

Up to 2 logos (also different ones) will be printed on an Erkoflex foil in the size of 40 x 60 mm. A high-quality UV printing technique allows Erkodent to print preferred designs in intense colours directly on Erkoflex (thickness 0.7 mm).

Anterior teeth, black, punched out of Erkoflex 2.0 mm

Anterior teeth, withe, punched out of Erkoflex 2.0 mm.

Required accessory for the fabrication of Playsafe triple sports mouthguards with the unit combination of Erkoform serie 3 and Occluform-3.

Required accessory for the fabrication of Playsafe triple sports mouthguards with the unit combination of Erkoform serie 3 and Occluform-3.

The greater protective effect of laminated sports mouthguards in comparison to single-layered mouthguards is sufficiently known. Allerdings ist die Herstellung eine laminierten Sportmundschutzes ungleich aufwendiger. However, the fabrication of laminated sports mouthguards is much more complex. The Playsafe triple plate is already three-layered, inside and outside soft and in between hard.

Playsafe triple light meets the wish, to offer a comfortable mouthguard with highest protective effect also in case of cramped oral situation. Playsafe triple plates are 3-layered, inner and outer side soft, intermediate layer hard. The Playsafe triple plate has a thickness of 5.5 mm. The Playsafe triple light plate has a thickness of 4.1 mm.

Playsafe triple light meets the wish, to offer a comfortable mouthguard with highest effect also in case of cramped oral situation. Playsafe triple plates are 3-layered, inner and outer side soft, intermediate layer hard. The Playsafe triple plate has a thickness of 5.5 mm. The Playsafe triple light plate has a thickness of 4.1 mm.

The greater protective effect of laminated sports mouthguards in comparison to single-layered mouthguards is sufficiently known. However, the fabrication of laminated sports mouthguards is much more complex. The Playsafe triple plate is already three-layered, inside and outside soft
and in between hard.